to let one in is scary,

to let them stay is sacred

watercolor and ink on paper

Olivia Juliet Taylor

Artist Statement:
I embrace and celebrate the moments of awe that ground me to this life through painting, drawing and video. I find the most wonder when the veil between worlds feels thin and tend to depict instances of this: split-second connections with an unlikely creature, dreams I’ve had, moments of tender love or longing that feel so vast my understanding of the world is challenged. My relationship to and physical use of media informs my pieces; the delicate and oftentimes hazy or fluid application of watercolor, pastels, and oil paints allows me to create a visual language that reflects a world in which softness and vulnerability are celebrated instead of shamed. The water used in my practice, either with watercolors or ink, is a material that shape shifts and knows no set boundaries. It cannot be contained and often leaves room for chance. Similarly, the hazy way in which I apply oil paint further breaks rigid boundaries of mine and yours, here and there, what is revealed and what is hidden. Living in a world that is so hard and inflexible, I reconsider fluidity and what remains unseen as forces of strength, inner knowing, and connection.

Olivia Juliet Taylor (she/her) is a self taught visual artist and independent curator. She is interested in how the themes of mysticism, the natural world, and connections to others and herself present a space to articulate feelings of deep wonder and knowing. She is also the founder, curator and designer of Not Selected At This Time, a digital publication exhibiting visual artists who are underrepresented in the arts by traditional means. She has been awarded residencies at Cel del Nord in Barcelona, Spain and Art and Soul in Truth or Consequences, NM. She lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. You can find her online @o_tays.


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